Thursday, September 3, 2009

it's like a typewriter and everyone else has a computer

ok, so i've been doing some thinking about this blog thing...i'm doing a poor job of keeping it up at best, and i need to be more directed with my time now that I have three littles!! (i.e. you catch my drift)....

But in retrospect, I wish I still owned a typewriter (did I ever own one?: no) because something in me just can't let go (read: clutterbug)

So in the interest of those who still aren't Facin' or Spacin' here is my contribution to you.

This is my newest babe. And she is a baby doll, let me tell you. I am soaking her up!! She's 5 months now and sitting up and scooting around! Yes, I know, I have told her that moving is against all rules until she is at least 9 months old, but she doesn't listen. The nerve.

So for now I will keep up the blog and hopefully all three of you will keep reading my sporadic posting and ramblings about my life!

Who do you think she looks like??

Emme at 5 months

(pic of Levi by Kamalamadingdong at 6 months)


MellieB said...

Bridgette-I love checking your blog and seeing what beautiful photos you have put on! Claire I think is a perfect mix of you and Chad. She looks like a little doll that you just want to hug and never let go of!! 5 months already?? And moving?? Yikes! Thanks for sharing all you do on here. Hope to see you again before next July 4th!!

anthonyandbeth said...

i sit by the computer all day, everyday, waiting for you to post. i sure would spend less time on the computer and more time with my family if you would just keep your blog updated. :)

and if you're on FB so much, how come i never get your status updates.

kids are cuties! love you!

Anonymous said...

I was here:) Keep bloggin'

Anonymous said...

She is a great mix of them both!


Anonymous said...

i sent you a comment...but, i guess it's lost in blogland. i'm all for the blog, so keep it going!!!!!
please, i'm one of the three.....she has her own cute looks!!!! love, r

Kale Family News said...

There are more than three of us which keep up with your family Bridge....pppuuuulllleeeeaaaasssseeee. You have a great style of writing which FB cannot capture. It's like journalling. I love it. And precious pumpkin pie looks like herself. She's neither Emme nor Levi but a mixture of both of you!! Love, Mom

Natalie said...

Yay Bridge! I'm #7! I'll keep sending all my friends to come look at your blog. :)

Clairabell looks just like Yeebs with her eyes, cheeks and hairline. I hope I get to meet her soon. That would be the best birthday present ever.

mamo2ten said...

What a nice surprise to check your blog this morning and see little Claire! I love your blog and have been disappointed that all 3 of you girls have neglected your blog and gone to FB! :( I love the pics and details you do on your blog and I can come back anytime and they are still there! Thanks! As Chad's mom, I think that Claire looks so much like Chad does now - she doesn't really look like his baby pics which is interesting to me - she doesn't really look like the other two kids. It will be fun to see as she gets older.

tjsing said...

Oh my goodness! You blogged! I thought it was over but now you are back...for a moment anyways. I love your blog but I know your busy. I'm not great with facebook beacause things move too fast for me! Hee hee. I vote that your sweet, precious baby doll looks like Levi. What wonderful kiddos you have!