Thursday, September 25, 2008

Emme's Soccer

Here are some pictures of Emme's first soccer game! Can you believe that she is old enough to play an organized sport? Kids can actually start at 2 1/2 years old in this league. There are some on her team still in diapers! What a crack-up.

I wouldn't say that she loves the game (which only lasts 15 minutes), but it's fun to watch her run around, or pout on the sidelines at the very least, like she did last weekend. :)

She does a great job with the drills though!

Em and Pressly, soccer buds

Who let this little guy on the field? Levi loves to think he's part of the team. "Where's my soccer ball?" he says.. We've started bringing a second ball to each game so he can play on the sidelines..he loves it.


Adam and Natalie said...

Ha ha ha. Did you notice the girl in the background with the picture of Pressly and Em? That's hilarious.

Friendly reminder about the blue font. You might as well have picked clear. :)

Dori and Chris said...

Nat! Hilarious - I didn't even notice that little girl pitching a tantrum until you pointed it out!

Totally cute pictures Bridge - and so great to Emme into a team sport!

And I have to agree with Nat - that blue has to go!

Sherry said...

I love it. I've got to find something like for Brek, she would love it.

sherry hill said...

How cute!!!! They are such a hoot to watch at that age!!!
I have to say the girl in the background is hilarious!!!....Been there!!!!

La Mama said...

I love it! Thanks for the laugh. Emmy is getting so big. Hey, we made Javi play soccer for a little while too and now he loves it! They got to get rid of some of that energy somehow.