Monday, September 1, 2008


It seemed only fitting on Labor Day to announce the soon-to-be new addition to our family! We are very excited and our looking forward to this little one joining us in March.

Also in honor of Labor Day, I've seen this fun post floating around from RocksinMyDryer. Play along if you like! I would love to read your answers.:)

How long were your labors?

#1- 17 hours (yikes! I was induced)

#2- 9 hours (mucho better)

How did you know you were in labor?

#1- Doc told me to come in for induction, 3 weeks early

#2- Water broke at Dream Dinners!, 2 weeks early

Where did you deliver?

#1 and #2-St. Luke's hospital, right where the drugs are kept..


Praise the Lamb for epidurals. Seriously. Just in case though, I memorized the anesthesiologist names just in case they jacked it up. That way I could scream at them with more accuracy. Loved, loved, and will love it again with this next one.



Who delivered?

#1-My awesome Doc

#2-My more awesomer hubby. (yes, I know that's not a word.) Doc let Chad actually guide Levi out and catch him. What a surreal moment.

Go to Rocks in My Dryer if you want to play along! Happy Labor Day!


Jenny said...

congratulations! welcome to the party of 5. it's a fun ride...

Meg said...


MamaTeeThree said...

Oh, wow, congratulations! You probably don't want to go read my answers, then. LOL

joy said...

YEH!!! So how far along are you? You must be a ways if you're due in March! Congrats! Can't wait to hear more....

Sherry said...


Amanda said...

Great day to announce- feels like a girl to me---Can't wait to meet this addition!

Adam and Natalie said...

Will will need a buddy his age and Em wants a little sister so I suppose it's a win-win either way. I'm feeling girl though....are you going to find out?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Stay blessed, ~Whitney

anthonyandbeth said...

so excited for you! so glad i got to find out while talking to you last night! :) it's gonna be great. so why 1 + 4??? i'm confused. why not 2+3??? i need to write down my answers.

Tiffers said...

How FANTASTIC that doctor let the hubby deliver the second one. Hubby only cut the cord of the last one. FANTASTIC and CONGRATULATIONS on #3!!!

Katie said...

Hey B,

So thrilled for you!!!!!!!!!!! Girl or boy, it's sure to add to the beauty of your family!

Angela said...

Congrats Bridge!! Are you going to find out what it is since you already have one of each?

Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

Yeah for finally announcing! Tough secret to keep...

melliebates said...

Congrats Bridgette! The transition from 2 to 3 is a smooth one (at least it was for me!). How wonderful that God has blessed your family one more time.

Anonymous said...

It's so sweet to be able to see this first picture of our next grandbaby!! We are so excited about adding #10 grandchild to our family! God is so good and we are blessed.
Thanks for the great gift!
Love you,

jls said...

Oh my word, Congrats! I just read this post and am laughing because after I talked to you at the park I wondered to myself, "When will they have another one?" It must have been your glow.:) Very exciting. Very happy for you!