Thursday, August 23, 2007

Yipes! I've been Tagged!

Holy Cow! I can't believe that it's been almost a month since I've posted! Shame, shame. Anyway, Nat tagged me to do a little meme of 8 random things about myself. So here goes:

1. I once drove our little red truck all the way to Nat's piano lesson with the emergency brake on with Gretchen. The weird thing was, Gretch and I could not figure out where the burning smell was coming from, nor could I tell why the truck was driving so slow.......seriously burned the brakes up, that's for sure.

2. I am a spelling freak!! I can't help it; it's almost a disease. I can spot a spelling error a mile away. Of course, now that I've typed this, I'm sure you will find one in this post!!

3. I LOVE guessing games a.k.a. (detective work). I would almost name my next girl Nancy Drew if Chad didn't have something to say about it. I can remember random phone numbers, license plate numbers, other such trivial info that no one really cares about. I used to have a notebook in elementary school where I would write down suspicious peoples license plate numbers, what they were wearing, what was happening in the car, etc. Now that I'm typing this, I sound like a stalker....or at best, a weirdo!

4. My favorite soda is Dr. Pepper, not out of a can, but only out of a fountain.

5.When I was little, I wanted to be a judge or police officer when I grew up. Refer to #3. Gretchen always wanted to be a mom and I thought that was a lame occupation choice. Anybody could be a mom! But as I am finding's a LOT harder than I originally gave credit for! Having little people watching your every move, and shaping and helping mold them to who God intended them to be requires a lot of self discipline for me.

6. My floor is generally always dirty! I can't seem to keep it clean, so I just gave up. :) Please don't eat off my floors.

7. I love reading blogs! That is definitely my favorite thing to do in the mornings! I sit down with my toast and read all about your lives.

8. I am a grandmother at heart. I can't help it! I love floral stuff, house decorating stuff, tourist attractions, museums, being's just my nature! I think I was born 50 years too late! No wonder I worked in a nursing's where I belong!:)

Now I tag Jessica Custer and Heather Phillips. Let's hear it girls!


anthonyandbeth said...

Too funny! I can imagine the truck ride! I LOVE number 3! I think you would have been hilarious to hang out with as a kid! I just love you! Hilarious!

Heather said...

Im with you on loving to read to my picture taking addiction I would have to say reading blogs is next in line!

Nat tagged me too, so I already did it...but I love to play you know.

tjsing said...

That is funny stuff Bridgette. It makes me miss you all the more! I better watch my spelling in the future =-)

Natalie said...

I cracked up reading about the e-brake. I was somewhat hoping to relive your teen pageant days in Kenai. Maybe you could post that on the next one....

Dori and Chris said...

AH! Nat just outed you as a pageant girl! Busted!
I remember that little red truck. I remember the broken spedometer in it too...